"Heal and know yourself!"
...on all levels of your being
I'm glad you made it to this website. I hope you enjoy reading, practicing the exercises, and... learning about yourself.
What is Five Bodies Yoga (FBY)?
FBY is a clearly structured practice based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and contemporary teachings. It is a system of exercises whose goal is holistic healing and self-knowledge.
1. Holistic healing: You learn how to resolve or alleviate negative conditions (pain, stress, lack of energy, etc.) in the physical, pranic (energetic), emotional, and mental body.
Yoga Sutras (translations of the sutras are with permission from
2.2.: "Kriya
Yoga (=practicing
with discipline, selfreflection, and devotion)
reduces the causes of suffering and brings about superconsciousness."
2. Self-knowledge: You learn how to open yourself up to experiencing your Higher Self.
Sutra 1.2.: "Yoga is the stilling of the thought waves (movements) in the mind."
Sutra 1.3.: "Then the seer rests in his true self."