1. What do I mean by self-healing?
In order to relieve or resolve discomfort as effectively as possible, with Five Bodies Yoga, we work on balancing imbalances in all of our bodies rather than just addressing the problem in one body.
1. In the mental body this is the dissolution of false beliefs.
2. In the emotional body this is the release of stored negative emotions (engrams, or in Sanskrit: samskaras).
3. In the pranic body this is removing energy blockages in the energy channels and harmonizing the different energies in the body.
4. In the physical body, this is the release of physical limitations, ailments, and illnesses and the achievement of fitness.
2. How do illness and suffering arise?
Trigger warning... I (or the spiritual scriptures, actually) am offering you a perspective on how illnesses arise that you may not have heard of and that may contradict the belief you have about it. That's why... as with all the knowledge you'll find on this site, just take what feels right to you.
So... in general, imbalances, blockages, illnesses, and suffering originally arise from:
1. Ignorance (or unconsciousness) about the true nature of our being and how creation works (-> we are, in our essence, spiritual beings made of pure consciousness, light and love, who are on earth to have experiences). Hence..
2. Identification with the bodies instead of the true Self. Hence..
3. Attachment to pleasant experiences (including people, etc.) and rejection of unpleasant experiences
Sutra 2.3 "Ignorance (false understanding), identification with the changeable, attachment, rejection, and fear of death are the causes of suffering."
Btw, in Tibetan medicine, these are also seen as the causes of illness.
To understand this better, an example might help:
So I identify with my body (or bodies) because of ignorance... For example, I am a bus driver who does a lot of sports, had a difficult childhood with certain traumatic experiences, is rather introverted, likes to eat cherries, etc. This personality exists in the world of forms (matter, energy, emotions, thoughts), whose basic characteristic it is to change over time because change is the only constant in the world of forms.
So, if this bus driver experiences a certain level of fulfillment, for example, when he is with a certain other person, then he will strive to repeat that experience - which in itself is not a problem. But the problem arises when he begins to attach himself to this experience/person - i.e., when he makes his own sense of happiness dependent on this person. If such an attachment has arisen and suddenly it is no longer possible for him to be with that person for whatever reason, then suffering arises because the fulfillment projected into the object outside (=in this case the another person) can no longer be experienced.
If he continues to create this pain within himself over a longer period due to corresponding thoughts (e.g., I am not worthy of being loved; that's why I was abandoned by this person), imbalances can arise, which over time can lead to illnesses. Continuing with this example, one may, for example, develop lung problems as a result of grieving the loss of a relationship because the lungs are one of the organs that are often affected by the emotion of grief.
Now, when you go to a Western medicine doctor, he usually only sees the symptom and doesn't know why that symptom shows up in the first place. He then often tries to kill it with chemicals, without realizing that it is trying to give the person a hint of a false belief that has finally come into the physical body.
'If the various chakras are blocked by negative thoughts and emotions, this can subsequently affect the function of the corresponding organ, gland, or region of the body, and disease and physical suffering can therefore manifest.' - Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda
I would also like to mention that it is quite common for souls who come to this planet to no longer know who they really are - this is even a basic requirement for being able to have certain experiences here. As a result, it is also common for one to identify with the bodies and therefore become attached to certain things and reject certain other things, instead of simply seeing everything as an experience that one is currently having and letting the corresponding emotions simply flow freely through the energy system. It takes a very highly developed awareness and mastery over the body to really be able to live this in any situation.