Overview of the Individual Chapters
1. Basics
First, we look at what's important to consider for our practice to lead to success. Then we learn how to meditate, followed by the importance of the heart, before embarking on our specific healing and self-knowledge journey.
2. FBY Basic Exercise Series
It's important to take your time for the FBY Basic Exercise Series regularly – ideally first thing in the morning before you start your daily routine. This exercise series works on all layers of your body system to heal it holistically and lastingly, and to open you up to the conscious experience of your Higher Self. With only a relatively small daily investment of time, you can make quantum leaps in your development. You become more and more aware of the various bodies; you cleanse/clear them, and, over time, gain more mastery over them. Each of the exercises can also be practiced independently of the others!
2.1. Holistic Healing
Now that we have been able to concentrate our attention a little, we will now turn to the actual healing practice, starting with the most dense of our bodies – the physical body. Secondly, we get to know the pranic body, then the emotional body, and finally the most subtle of these four – the mental body.
2.2 Self-knowledge
On our journey of self-knowledge, we now let go of identification with the 4 previously discussed bodies, thereby experiencing our causal body and finally... we surrender into our Higher (true) Self, which is beyond the causal body.
3. Summary of the FBY Basic Exercise Series and Template for Practicing
4. Practice for the Rest of the Day
This practice is essential to progress on your path of self-knowledge (but also healing). You integrate the higher state of consciousness temporarily achieved through the exercises into your everyday life and thus transform old states of being, thought patterns, and behaviors.
5. Additional Practice and Exercise Series
With these series of exercises, we also work specifically and more deeply on individual layers of the body and self-knowledge. They are an important addition to the FBY Basic Exercise Series and the practice for the rest of the day, and can be practiced additionally to make even faster progress.
5.1 The Physical Body
To become/remain physically fit, you also need additional physical training. Depending on how important physical fitness is to you and how much time you want to spend, you can, for example, do cardio training, strength training, and additional asanas. However, I will not go into these additional exercises for the physical body here, as there is already a wide range of easily accessible practices available – both online and offline.
5.2 The Pranic Body: The Pranayama Exercise Series
In the pranayama exercise series, we practice some breathing exercises from the yoga teachings, among other things. The main purpose of these exercises is to gain more control over our breathing and to release and harmonize certain energies and emotions from our body system. Each of the exercises has a very specific effect, which is then ex-plained in the respective section.
5.3 The Emotional Body: The Chakra Healing Exercise Series
As we store or accumulate emotions in our body system through various (traumatic) experiences in the course of our lives, it is important that we learn to feel them consciously and thereby bring them back into flow. By taking our attention away from unwanted sensations and emotions – even though they exist within our body system – we are resisting against what is and thus prevent the transformation of these energies. According to the motto: What you reject, that cannot go.
In this series of exercises, in addition to focusing our attention, we also work with love energy to bring blocked negative feelings and emotions back into flow – if they are already ready to do so.
5.4 The Mental Body
I have not included a separate exercise series for the mental body, but you can practice the manifestation exercise from the FBY Basic Exercise Series briefly throughout the day if you wish.
5.5 The Causal Body and Beyond: The Meditation Exercise Series
This series of exercises is about opening ourselves further and deeper to the experience of our soul and consequently our Higher Self, which lies beyond the world of forms, through prolonged meditation.
In Conclusion
There is one more thing I would like to remind you of before we start now... a key factor in moving from your current state to the desired state of being or consciousness is: practice!
As Swami Sivananda (the founder of Sivananda Yoga) aptly said, “An ounce of practice is worth more than a ton of theory!“
However, it is also important not to fall into the mental trap of postponing happiness to the future, because practice itself basically serves to realize that what we are looking for is already there – in the here and now.
So then... let's move on to: 1. Basics