In this exercise series, we first open the body again with the Sun Salutation. Then we harmonize the energies with Nadi Shodhana and after that proceed to clear and further open our 7 main chakras with awareness and love energy. In the end, we will do a Self-knowledge Meditation.
Since we accumulate various emotions in our body system throughout our lives (due to various traumatic experiences, among other things), it is important that we learn to consciously feel these emotions and thereby bring them back into flow. By (consciously or unconsciously) taking our attention away from unwanted sensations and emotions – even though they are present in the body – we are resisting what is and thus preventing the transformation of these energies.
In this exercise, we mainly work with attention and love energy to get blocked negative sensations and emotions flowing again – if they are ready for it. We specifically work on bringing more awareness and healing to our main chakras.
5.2.1. Overview
Yogic physical exercise
Sun Salutation
Emotional body
Healing with Unconditional
and Love Energy
5.2.2. The Individual Exercises
1. Yogic Physical Exercise: The Sun Salutation
We do 12 repetitions of the Sun Salutation.
2. Pranayama: Nadi Shodana
We do Nadi Shodhana for 10 minutes.
3. The Emotional Body: Chakra Healing with Unconditional Acceptance and Love Energy
As described in the exercise 'Unconditional Acceptance and Love Energy' in the FBY Basic Exercise Series, focus your attention this time on one of the main chakras for three minutes each, starting with the Root Chakra. After that, let love energy flow into the respective chakra for 4 minutes, like you have already learned. Afterwards proceed to the next higher chakra. Since there are no blockages in the Crown Chakra in the same way as there are in the 6 chakras below, we simply stay in the Crown Chakra with our attention for the entire 7 minutes to further activate and open it.
4. Meditation: Self-knowledge Meditation
We do the Self-knowledge Meditation for 10 minutes.