2.1. FBY Basic Exercise Series Part 1: Holistic Healing

What is Holistic Healing to Me?

In order to resolve or alleviate afflictions as effectively as possible, with FBY we aim to dissolve them in all of our bodies instead of addressing the problem in just one of them.

1. In the physical body, this is the resolving or alleviation of physical limitations, illnesses, and other afflictions, as well as the attainment of fitness.
2. In the pranic body, this is the removal of energy blockages in the energy channels and the harmonizing of the various energies in the body.
3. In the emotional body, this is the dissolution of negative emotions that have accumulated there and in the chakras.
4. In the mental body, this is, among other things, the dissolution of false perspectives.

How Does Suffering Arise?

Sutra 2.3.: "Ignorance (misunderstanding), identification with the changeable, attraction (attachment) and aversion (rejection), and fear of death are the causes of suffering."

1. Ignorance about the true nature of our being and how creation works. (➝ In truth, in our essence we are spiritual beings of pure consciousness, light and love, who are on earth to have certain experiences.)
As a consequence...
2. Identification with the bodies instead of the true self.
As a consequence...
3. Attachment to pleasant experiences (including people, etc.) and rejection of unpleasant experiences.

And by the way... this is also the view of Tibetan Medicine on how suffering arises.

I would also like to further mention that it is quite common for souls who come to this planet to no longer know who they really are this is actually a basic requirement for being able to have certain experiences here. As a result, it is also common for people to identify with their bodies and thereby become attached to certain things and reject certain other things.

Where Does Illness Come From?

According to the universal law of karma, everything, including every illness, has an underlying cause. The cause of the illness can lie in the body system (e.g., negative thoughts, etc.), or it can also be caused by incorrect behavior (e.g., wrong diet, too little exercise, etc.) or environmental influences. Illnesses do not simply appear by chance
– just as nothing in creation simply happens by chance.

The healing work is therefore about resolving the underlying cause in order to heal the symptom.

You might be wondering now... But What About Babies and Children Who Have Illnesses?

No soul comes to this planet with a 'blank slate'. In the case of an illness of a baby/child, it has brought this illness with it in its 'energetic baggage' from the previous life(s). This serves the soul to be able to have certain experiences that it can only have in this way.

How Does the Healing of Blockages Work?

Healing often happens differently than many people imagine. Yes, it does happen that certain blockages are released while practicing the exercises or while doing shadow work, but more often than not it happens differently. The blocking energies are often only brought more to the surface through practice, so to speak, and can then dissolve over time. This dissolution often happens, for example, through certain external situations that you suddenly find yourself in after doing healing work, which have the potential to get certain energies flowing again, to dissolve pent-up emotions, and to change distorted perspectives.

It can also happen, for example, that certain new people suddenly come into your life, and old relationships dissolve, that you find new teachers (who you might not have been ready for before),... So observe what happens in your life when you work on yourself, because it is often very interesting to recognize certain connections.

Holistic Healing Through FBY

In the chapter on holistic healing in the FBY Basic Exercise Series, we become more and more aware of each of our bodies (so that we can then more easily break free from identification with each body), we free it of blockages and optimize its functioning. We start with the densest and then move on to the subtlest.

On the Importance of Doing Healing Work

The ultimate goal of every soul (but not for every soul in this incarnation) is self-knowledge and returning to its natural state of highest bliss. Clearing the body system is very important (and for many souls a necessary process on the path to self-knowledge), but ultimately it mainly serves to become ready for self-knowledge and to be able to maintain it. It is appropriate for most people to remove certain blockages, but the main goal should always be kept in mind.

Healing the body system of all existing blockages is often an endless endeavor, so it is good to keep in mind that it is not necessary to remove all the blockages in order to progress on the path to self-knowledge.

Also... deep healing often happens on its own, the more you return to your natural state of being.

What Does Science Say About it?

On thoughts, perspectives, and emotions as the cause of illness and healing:

The Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown in his studies (see the book 'The Hidden Messages in Water') that our thoughts, emotions, and words have a direct impact on the structure of water molecules. If you consider that the human body is made up of around 70% water, it becomes clear that we ourselves determine the structure of the water in our own bodies. Positive thoughts and emotions create a harmonious, ordered structure, and negative ones a chaotic one.

To illustrate, each of the following water crystals was exposed to the corresponding word:

Love and gratitude:

Picture of water molecule

You disgust me:
Picture of water molecule

Thank you:

Picture of water molecule

His research also shows how the structure of contaminated water changes when exposed to positive thoughts. The pictures below show the structure of the water from the Fujiwara Dam before and after it was subjected to the prayers of a Buddhist priest for 1 hour.


Picture of water molecule


Picture of water molecule

Further scientific evidence can be found in the so-called 'Placebo Effect'. Through the Placebo Effect, sick people who are given 'placebo medication' become healthy simply because they believe they have received an effective medication for their symptoms. In reality, they have been given a pill made of sugar, for example. So these people are ready to be cured, and the belief alone that they can be cured by the administered pill then causes the illness to disappear.

This, of course, is a problem for Western medicine, since according to its teachings such a thing should not exist. See also the New York Times bestseller: 'Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself' by Lissa Rankin, M.D.

Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Bruce Lipton have also carried out various studies on the effect of thoughts and emotions on the body. For example, Dr. Joe Dispenza documented how the immune system of 117 test subjects improved by about 50% by practicing a gratitude meditation every day over a certain period of time.

Another experiment in this regard is documented here: UCSD: Water, Blood, and the Microbiome

Now it's time for: 2.1.1. The Physical Body