2.1.3. The Emotional Body

The emotional body is the third densest body after the physical and pranic body. It also occupies roughly the same space as the physical body, with its aura extending up to several meters around it.

Unresolved emotions are primarily stored in the corresponding chakras. Through the emotional aura, we emit the vibrations of our emotional body into our environment and attract corresponding people and experiences. Our emotions and our emotional body therefore also play a key role in the manifestation process, but more on that in the next chapter.

Emotions Our Integrated Compass to Health and the Perspective of the Higher Self

Yes, they show us the way to the perspective of the Higher Self! We can use our emotions like a compass that leads us to the truth. If we feel a negative emotion, it means that something about the thought(s) we just had is not right – in other words, something about the perspective we have on this topic does not align with the perspective our Higher Self has about it.

If we then change our view, the emotion we subsequently generate also changes. This allows us to recognize without a doubt that we ourselves create our emotions with our minds (consciously or unconsciously). Every thought that does not correspond to the view of the Higher Self (the higher truth of creation) creates a more or less strong negative feeling in the emotional body, depending on how distorted the view is.

If you nourish untrue or negative thoughts over a longer period of time and therefore create corresponding emotions, imbalances can arise in the body's energy system. Also, if you do not fully express certain emotions (do not fully allow them to flow out of the body system again) or you have an intense experience that you cannot fully process (=trauma), emotional energies can become pent-up in the body and subsequently cause problems.

An example of the energy/emotion 'anger': An elderly woman has been driving her car very slowly in front of you for some time, and there is no way to overtake her. You might think to yourself then, for example, 'What in God's name are you doing? Drive faster!'. This thought then creates/feeds the emotion of 'anger' within you.

By simply swallowing the emotion of anger that you have created and not expressing it, you create an imbalance in yourself because you are accumulating/holding this emotion in your body system. So if the anger energy has already been created, you should at least express it in a way that does not cause any further damage.

A healthier way to resolve this situation would be to take a higher perspective and/or look at it with compassion, such as thinking, 'This is an elderly woman who probably can't see so well anymore and whose reactions aren't as quick. It's just not that easy for elderly people to drive faster anymore.' or/and 'I can't change this situation right now anyway, so I'm going to make the best out of it and just enjoy driving slower for a while.' In this case, I am not generating anger energy within myself, and I have not ruined my mood, and all of this simply by looking at the situation differently.

However, if one repeatedly chooses the negative perspective, the (side)effects can ultimately manifest on the physical level – so they can truly be seen. For example, in the form of afflictions, illnesses, and accidents – yes, even accidents are not pure coincidence but also have a (karmic) cause. We originally create our reality through our perspectives – our minds!

Sutra 2.13.: "As long as karmic roots remain, they manifest as different living conditions, life expectancy, and types of experiences."

What Happens in the Body System When Emotions Are Suppressed?

1. Corresponding thoughts can emerge from the subconscious mind from time to time.

2. The pent-up emotions block the free flow of energies.

3. They settle, among other places, in the respective chakras, thereby limiting their function and altering our perception of ourselves and the world.

4. They also often cause changes in the physical body. The function of muscles, organs, and glands, for example, is restricted, which can lead to illness.

"If the various chakras are blocked by negative thoughts and emotions, this can subsequently affect the function of the corresponding organ, gland, or body region, and as a result, diseases and physical ailments manifest."
Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda

In the oldest scripture of Hinduism – the 'Vedas' – whose origin dates back to between 1700-1100 BC, this phenomenon is already described, and these mental and emotional imprints stored in the subconscious are called 'samskaras' there – with samskaras generally understood to mean all impressions/imprints stored in our subconscious – not just the negative ones.

Sutra 1.50.: "This new knowledge from Nirvicara Sampatti creates new impressions in the subconscious (=samskaras), which replaces the previous negative impressions." or "Through yoga, a mental tendency arises that pushes back the influence of all those other tendencies that are based on false understanding."

Yoga is therefore aimed, among other things, at dissolving negative samskaras and creating positive ones. The more negative samskaras you accumulate in your body system over time, the more the natural feeling of joy, love, and enthusiasm for the world is clouded, the mind is polluted, the flow of life energy is reduced, and the physical body is restricted. Negative samskaras are therefore one of the reasons why you do not feel as good in your body system as you actually could.

What Can You Do to Resolve These Negative Samskaras from Your Body?

This is exactly what the chapter about holistic healing is for, and, specifically for the emotional body, this is the healing work called 'Unconditional Acceptance and Love Energy', which will be described now. We bring more attention (light) and love (unconditional love) into our bodies and thereby cause lower vibrations to come to the surface or to be resolved immediately.

Sutra 1.39.: "Also by immersing yourself in love (the mind will be cleared)."

Unconditional love is the highest healing energy in crea-tion and therefore best suited for healing work.

The Three Parts of this Healing Work

1. We bring our attention to one of the chakras or a specific area of the body and then unconditionally accept everything we can perceive there.

2. We activate love in the Heart Chakra.

3. We then let this love energy flow into the respective chakra or area in the body.

After we have cleared our energy channels in the pranic body with the previous exercise, we have created the perfect condition to now work on the even more subtle level of emotions. We first become aware of the energies that are present in the respective area of the body and then bring love energy there to help pent-up emotions to transform. This technique is both healing work and meditation at the same time – you focus your mind and consequently take your attention away from thinking while simultaneously cleansing all your bodies, chakras, and energy channels with love energy.

But now...

Instructions for the Healing Work: Unconditional Acceptance and Love Energy

1. First, bring your attention to where you can perceive the strongest negative physical sensation in your body. If you find this difficult, you can alternatively simply bring it to your Heart Chakra.

2. Now feel as deeply as possible into this area for 5 minutes and see which sensations you can perceive there. Is it dullness, a stabbing pain, emptiness, cold, a kind of burning, heaviness, etc.? Whatever it is, just perceive it without naming it and without judging or condemning it, and say to yourself:
1. Everything within me is allowed to be here now.
2. I am now ready to feel everything that resides within me.
Or alternatively, for example: I am now ready to feel everything within my Solar Plexus Chakra.

Focusing the attention there makes us more aware of the energies that are residing within our bodies and that we (consciously or unconsciously) have refused to fully feel.

Beyond the sensations we can perceive there, there are often emotions that we once did not fully want to feel or that we weren't able to fully feel. By unconditionally accepting everything we find there without rejecting it, we signal to our subconscious that it is safe to bring these emotions to the surface so that they can either transform immediately or over time.

It is important not to do this healing work with the intention of wanting to get rid of something, because... what you reject cannot go away! It's about fully and unconditionally accepting and feeling everything you find within yourself until it is ready to go. You can also ask your Higher Self to guide you to the emotion behind the sensation in order to get to the level of emotions.

Image meditation seat with hands on the heart

3. After these 5 minutes, bring your attention to your Heart Chakra and first say internally, 'I am going in resonance with unconditional love.' Feel how your Heart Chakra now opens further and generates love energy. Then continue to say, 'I feel this love deeper and deeper with every breath.' Now take a few breaths and feel how the love in your Heart Chakra becomes deeper and stronger.

4. Now, always during inhaling, say 'love' internally and feel how you generate love in your Heart Chakra. When exhaling, you now direct this love with your attention to the area you previously focused on while again saying and feeling 'love' internally. Let the love energy flow for 5 minutes before you then end the exercise.

We now bring the love energy generated in the Heart Chakra to the area where we need healing.

For an even stronger effect, place your hands on top of each other and place them on the area where you want the love to flow. Then, as you breathe in, while internally saying 'love' again, visualize and feel how this love flows from your Heart Chakra through your arms into your hands (to the secondary chakras of the Heart Chakra). As you breathe out, feel and visualize again, while internally saying 'love', how this love then flows from your hands into the area over which you are holding your hands.

The extent of the healing effect that this healing work has depends entirely on the intensity of the love that you are able to generate and how deeply you can then let it flow into the respective area of your body.

What Does Science Say About it?

See the section 'What does science say about it?' from chapters '1.3. Follow Your Heart' and '2.1. Holistic Healing'.

And now we move on to... 2.1.4. The Mental Body