2.1.4. The Mental Body

The vibration of the mental body is higher than that of the bodies we have discussed so far, and its structure is less dense. It is egg-shaped and can, in more highly developed individuals, extend several meters around the physical body, with its aura then possibly extending several meters beyond that. Our mental body is the bearer of our thoughts.

From Perception to Thought

Humans take in information from the environment through their senses, and this information then travels directly and without noticeable time delay into the subconscious mind.

There, it is then checked whether there is already infor-mation corresponding to the perception. If there is already information from the past, then the perceived information is filtered (distorted) by this past information, and subsequently, it finally enters the conscious mind.

Here, the thoughts that emerge (also) from the subconscious operate as an almost continuous flow. These thoughts have a strong magnetism and want to be continuously nourished with attention/energy. Most people are caught up in them almost all day without really noticing it, and consequently the views stored in the subconscious more or less determine their lives. The process of 'checking' in the subconscious to see whether information about something from the past is already available is useful in itself and not a bad thing, but it can also lead to problems.

Here's an example: If you had an accident once in which you were hit by a red car, a belief that is stored in the subconscious mind may have been created, that red cars are dangerous. As a result, whenever the senses perceive a red car, there may be a corresponding negative reaction in the body system.

The Unconscious, Subconscious, Conscious, and Superconscious Mind

The unconscious mind contains the programs that structure our human life, such as how the body grows, physical laws such as gravity, or atomic attraction.

The subconscious mind, which is also largely located in the chakras, has stored memories from our past and the understanding of ourselves and the world. It is like a huge machine – shaped by all our past experiences – that forces us to implement its views. The extent to which it controls you is directly related to your consciousness – the more conscious you are, the less control it can exert over you.

The conscious mind (which is perceived in the frontal part of the brain) is concerned with our perception and understanding of the present moment.

The superconscious mind is the level on which our higher self is located and from which our inner guidance comes.

Perspectives, Ego, and Identification

When a soul begins to open itself up more and more to the perspectives of the Higher Self in the course of its evolution, the subconscious mind is increasingly cleansed of old (distorted) perspectives. The more we can open ourselves to these perspectives of our Higher Self and thereby transform the limiting beliefs of our ego, the more balanced also the state of our body system will usually become.

By ego, I mean the fictional personality that is being created by the mind, which is formed from the sum total of what we have learned about ourselves and the world in the past.

E.g., I am a bus driver who likes chocolate, is a bit overweight, had a difficult childhood, etc.

We usually identify with this 'story' and our various bodies and are not aware that in truth we are the consciousness that exists beyond the bodies. You are not this fictional person-ality created by the mind but, in truth, an individualized aspect of God. A part of this aspect has temporarily left its 'home' (which is the highest consciousness, light, and love) to have certain experiences here on this planet.

After a long journey (which has also led you to a certain extent to the opposite of your natural state of being), you are now getting ready to return home.

And... not only are you this light and this love – everything that exists is, in essence, this light and this love!

BUT... because we are identified with our body system and the fictional personality created by the mind, we still experience real suffering in our bodies, and our experi-ences often do not feel as if there is light and love behind them. Nevertheless, it is so – all experiences originally come from the light and love of the source of all being and serve our soul on its path.

So any view that you have about yourself and creation that contradicts the view that you are a being of the highest love and light in a creation that is also this love and this light (=the view of the Higher Self), creates a more or less strong negative state of being, which can subsequently lead to discomfort.

But Now You May Be Asking Yourself: How Can All the Terrible Things That Are Happening in the World Be Love?

We are all essentially light and love in our essence, but as long as we have never experienced anything else, we do not know our full creative potential, nor do we fully appreciate our true natural state of being. Among other things, that is why we have come to this planet and to duality, to experience various facets of the opposite of our natural state of being.

When the soul has had enough of these experiences (and thus learned more about itself), it can set out on the journey back 'home'. Step by step, over time, it becomes more aware of who it really is, and all of this with the immeasurable wealth of experience it has gained (for itself and the entire creation) through the experiences in duality. This allows the soul to achieve true wholeness – the shadow has been integrated into the light (which it is), and the (apparent) non-love into the love (which it is).

Our Thoughts Create Our Reality

Everything you see around you started as a thought – the chair you sit on, the t-shirt you wear, the computer you use – someone thought about how to create it before it was manifested.

The sum total of all our beliefs (usually stored primarily in the unconscious and subconscious mind) creates the reality we experience every day. According to the law of attraction, we attract what we send out, and our stored beliefs constantly send a message to our environment – which attracts corresponding experiences.

Conscious Manifestation General

"Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled."
Neville Goddard

So we create our own reality every moment (usually unconsciously) with our thoughts. If we want to create a different reality then, we have to consciously use our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to manifest what we want. Furthermore, it is also important to constantly let go of unwanted thoughts until they lose momentum.

Depending on what you want to manifest, you consciously create corresponding thoughts. It is best to think, as if you have already received or achieved what you want, and additionally... feel the corresponding emotion as intensely as possible.

So with Conscious Manifestation, it is important not only to consciously create the thought but also to feel the emotion within yourself – these two aspects must fundamentally be present.

In the following manifestation exercise, we work primarily with affirmations and visualizations, which then also generate emotions. When visualizing, it's about imagining what you want to manifest as vividly as possible – not by observing yourself from the outside, but by imagining that you yourself are experiencing what you visualize.

After the exercise, it is also important that you choose the words you think or speak about the object or state of being you want to manifest accordingly. And of course, it is also necessary to take concrete appropriate action in order to anchor what you want on the physical level.

Also... the desired manifestation will only become a reality within a foreseeable future if you do not (usually unconsciously) nurture other beliefs that counteract what you want to manifest.

Important: Be aware that what you now find as your circumstances is a manifestation of the sum total of your perspectives from the past and your karma. You create your future through what you send out anew in every moment (through thoughts, emotions, words, and actions). So don't draw false conclusions from your circumstances, because... circumstances reflect, and the vibrations you send out create!

Conscious Manifestation Instructions

1. First, become aware of what you want to manifest. Define it precisely and create a clear vision of it.

2. Then visualize for 5 minutes that you already have (achieved) what you desire, as vividly as possible – include all your senses if possible. You can also think or speak corresponding thoughts or affirmations. And... feel the emotions generated as intensely as possible! How does it feel to have what you desire?

3. Now, bring the desired thing or state into your daily life for 5 minutes. Visualize and feel how you live a life in which the desired thing or state is already a part of your life, and it has become completely normal for you to have (or be) it. Feel the joy and happiness that you experience in the process.

4. Repeat this exercise daily in the FBY Basic Exercise Series if possible, and, if you want, also occasionally throughout the day, and... bring the positive feelings you have generated into the rest of your day.

Consistency in practice is another key to success. Be patient and trust the process, as it may take some time for the desired changes to concretely manifest in your reality.

What else you can do on a mental level to clear your mind more and more:

1. Read the content of this website again every now and then and integrate new perspectives into your daily life.

2. Watch videos or read books and texts by authentic spiritual teachers. The more often you engage with higher knowledge and integrate it into your life(!), the faster and better old perspectives will be dissolved and replaced by higher ones.

3. If you notice a negative emotion, if possible, look at which thought or perspective has just created this emotion and replace it with a true/higher perspective that no longer creates a negative emotion within you. 

To dissolve the effect of negative emotions that have already been generated, it is best to focus your attention on the physical sensation that was generated by the emotion and stay with it until it dissolves, which usually does not take very long unless you feed it with further related thoughts.

What Does Science Say About it?

The famous double-slit experiment from quantum mechanics proves, for example, that the observer and his thoughts influence particles – and thus their 'reality'.

Thoughts do not only take place in our brain, as is commonly assumed, but are also emitted by the brain (and then attract the corresponding reality). This can be scientifically proven using a device called a 'Magneto Encephalograph' – it can be used to measure thought energy outside the brain.

In the relatively new branch of science known as epigenetics, Dr. Bruce Lipton has proven that our body cells and genes are influenced by our thoughts. He writes about this in his book 'The Biology of Belief', for example.

Dr. Masaru Emoto's research (as already mentioned) also proves that our thoughts influence the structure of water.

The phenomenon of the Placebo Effect, as also already mentioned, also clearly proves that our minds have an influence on matter.

And now we move on to part 2: 2.2. FBY Basic Exercise Series Part 2: Self-knowledge