4. Practice for the Rest of the Day

The practice for which we specifically take time (FBY Basic Exercise Series and other exercise series) is essential to be able to open yourself up to higher consciousness and to advance with healing, but that alone is not enough to effectively change the old state of being for the better and to being permanently open for experiencing your Higher Self.

Sutra 1.13.: "Abhyasa (practice) is the constant effort to pacify the movements of the mind."

Sutra 1.14.: "The practice becomes firmly established when it is continued over a long period of time without interruption and with sincere devotion."

Sutra 3.10.: "Through repeated practice, the transition to stillness will become smooth."

Here's what you can do for the rest of the day to continue working on healing and self-knowledge:

1. Every Moment, or Whenever You Become Aware of it

1. Keep your attention in the Spiritual Heart and in the position of the observer (or, if possible, even the position of the observer of the observer), but at the same time be fully IN your bodies – in the here and now.

2. Look at the world with the awareness that everything and everyone you meet is, in essence, God.

3. Consciously create those thoughts that manifest the reality you want to experience, and let go of thoughts that create a reality you don't want.

To achieve mastery over thoughts, it is crucial to be constantly in the here and now, in the position of the observer, not identified with the forms of creation. From this state, you can then consciously create the reality you want to create with your thoughts.

Tip: You can, for example, set an alarm on your smartphone at different intervals to remind you of this practice.

Even if you only manage to do this for short moments at first, these moments will become longer with practice, and over time you will enter deeper states of consciousness more and more often during the rest of the day.

Additionally, when you notice a negative emotion, you can look at the perspective that created it and then replace it with a higher one.

2. Yama & Niyama

Make sure that you live according to the yogic Code of Conduct as best you can.

What else can you do to work on yourself? ...Additional Series of Exercises